Holistic Healing for Allergies
We all love spring but not the seasonal allergies that come along with it. Ahhh…to enjoy spring without the itchy eyes and runny nose! Fortunately, relief is on its way in the form of Homeopathic remedies. For those of you who don’t know about Homeopathy, visit my website at www.HealingTreeHomeopathy.com to find out more about this alternative therapeutic system in practice for more than 200 years.
For people suffering with allergies, symptoms occur when the body’s immune system overreacts to substances in the environment. Some of the common symptoms of allergic reactions are stuffy or runny nose, coughing or skin eruptions. For itching skin eruptions triggered by exposure to allergenic substances, try these remedies:
Rhus Toxicodendron
Skin is intensely inflamed, with fluid filled blisters. Marked burning with the itching.
Large blisters filled with yellow fluid
Rash mainly of fine, dry bumps, especially on the face.
Oozing of sticky, honey coloured fluid from the eruptions. Itching worse at night and from warmth. Upper respiratory allergies which include seasonal allergies.
Excessive watery dischargee from nose along with spasmodic sneezing. Itching in nose and red, runny eyes.
Nasal allergies with intense, urgent itching of the back part of the roof of mouth, or itching behind nose.
Allium Cepa
Clear, excoriating nasal dischargee which irritates the nostrils and upper lip. Red and burning eyes with profuse tearing of the eyes.
Nasal discharge which is non irritating and very watery. Copious burning tearing of eyes.
Natrum Muriaticum
Nasal flow which is clear to slightly whitish in colour and thicker than water. Mucus runs down behind the nose and collects in the throat. Sneezing spells. Loss of smell and taste.
Take remedies 3 to 4 times a day, less frequently as symptoms improve. If no change is observed in 48 hours then consult a Certified Homeopath. Professional constitutional homeopathic treatment is advised for recurrent allergies and can help the person and system correct the imbalance and strengthen the body’s sensitivity to allergens.
Write to me at richa@healingtreehomeopathy if you have any questions.